Installing and Creating a Mac App for Zim Wiki

This guide walks you through installing Zim Wiki and then creating so you can open Zim from Launchpad on Mac or keep it in your dock. Let's get started.

  1. If you don't already have Homebrew on your mac, follow these instructions to install it.

  2. In your terminal run the following to install Zim using Homebrew.
    brew install zim

    At this point you have Zim installed. The rest of the steps cover how to create

  3. Platypus is an app that takes command-line scripts and converts them into Mac apps.
    Run the following to install Platypus.

    brew install --cask platypus

  4. Open Platypus and use these suggested values.
    1. Icon: Pick any icon you like or keep the default one.
    2. App Name: Zim
    3. Script Type: Bash
    4. Script Path: choose New and put the following line inside (replacing existing sample content): 
      PYTHONPATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zim/0.75.1/libexec/lib/python3.11/site-packages" XDG_DATA_DIRS="/opt/homebrew/share:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zim/0.75.1/libexec/share" exec "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zim/0.75.1/libexec/bin/zim"  "$@"
    5. Interface: none
    6. Identifier: Edit as you see fit
    7. Author: Edit as you see fit
    8. Version: Edit as you see fit
    9. Uncheck all checkboxes
    10. Files to be bundled into the application's Resources folder: leave blank.

  5. Click "Create App"

  6. Save to the Applications folder
Run and Enjoy!